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Mastermind Deck

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  • A simple version of Brainwave deck using long & short principle
  • Two routines supplied
  • Easy to do and quick to reset

Note from Martin:

A named card is placed onto the table, the pack is riffled showing back & front and the chosen card is turned over - it's back is seen to be the only card not to match the entire deck
An added routine is supplied with this pack - you claim to have a picture of three cards face down on the table. Three cards are randomly selected and placed face up onto the table, the picture is turned over and claimed to be of the three chosen cards, however, the picture only shows three face down blue backed cards. The cards are now turned over to match the picture (they also have blue backs), but now, when the pack is shown, it is seen all the other cards have red backs. A very effective yet easy to do trick with a full pack of cards. Any named card is removed from the deck, the rest of the pack is shown to have a red back design, yet when named card is turned over, its back is seen to be blue. Very easy to perform
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